Monday, October 12, 2009

Hill Cousin Address Book by Darlene Jeffries

Here it is, the most Excellent

Hill Cousin Address Book by Darlene Jeffries

you can down load it here

A little large but worth the time

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Darlene's first cut


click on the picture to see it larger

I know, I know the picture is too small, but click on the picture to see it larger
If you right click on the picture, you can save the picture at 1/2 resolution
We are still trying to find the best way to distribute pictures from the Reunion.
as a test
I have posted my pictures here on CostCo's photo site so you can order printed pictures.

You have to click on Photo , then open an account , and then you can order pictures.

This is not a great answer so still taking suggestions on how to get:

* digital distribution of pictures (full resolution)

* printed distribution of pictures

send my an email if you have a suggestion.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Trying to post pictures

this is a test

Monday, August 31, 2009



There are pictures an much, much, more to come.

Just wanted to show you the new book on Talent that just came out, David Conner brought one to the reunion and gave it to Opal as a gift.

They are printed by Arcadia Press, and the book name is Talent. They also have one for Ashland.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009


a response to our Hill Cousin reunion came from a young lady in Abiline, TX. She is a Hill decendent from Charles Hill, a brother of Roy, Walt, Jess,and Bert.

Charles died young in Oklahoma, leaving a wife and two small girls. Anyway, his great granddaughter, Ashley Mann, has compiled a huge data base on the Hill family geneology and would like to contribute her info to our reunion. My goal is to bring the Lewis Calvin Hill Family up to date, as well as Roy and Walt. Nelle Marie Christensen is working on her family which comes from Roy and Walt's sister Florence. A few of you might remember a BIG birthday party they had for Florence's 90th in Talent in 1998.

So, I'll be calling a few of you for the birthdates of your grandkids, and other nosey questions. It's been fun getting the younger ones accounted for. Our grandparents would be amazed at how many we have now. And looking at Ashley's huge data base, there are many families that are much larger than ours.

Love Sue

Friday, May 15, 2009


This is just a 1st draft. Maybe should add my Dads parents on there too??

I'm up for ideas and feedback. Forgot to draw the frame around this, so visualize ha!.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I have the fun time of making the name tags. If you would like your and your significant other, pic on them, please send me your choice of favorite pic. and where you fit in the family box. I was thinking of using a pic under age of 20 years and at least 600 pixel or 200 resolution for printing purposes if sent by email. I have a scanner if you send it by snail mail. Please send by July1st..

Blank tags will be available at the barbeque if you would like to scribble your own.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Subject: Conner reuion

Hi all, received an invite from Sue to the Hill-Byrd-Fiequth-Conner Reunion, so thought I would send a copy of the Conner family reunion.Date is August 1st and 2nd, 2009 at Palmerton Park in Rogue RIver, OR. The address is 300 West Evans Creek Road.

This reunion has been held annually since 1959.Feel free to contact me if there are any questions.

We hope to see some of you there. Kay Dye (Warren Dye is one of Alma Conner Dye's son)

Kay Dye


Here's the latest update on the Hill Cousin Reunion.

Sue, Carole, Paul, Bud and I met today for reunion planning. We talked about everything from Activities, to Food, to Genealogy Wall Charts. We then went in search of Accomodations.We have set aside at the Super 8 Motel - Pear Tree RV Resort in Phoenix, 10 rooms for our reunion. The rooms rent for $68 plus tax/nite for 2 queen beds and $65 plus tax/nite for 1 king bed. The rooms are large and clean. Included is a continental breakfast from 6 - 10 am.

The RV campground is $35/nite and most of the spots are pull-through locations. If you want to make a reservation for either rooms/RV spot, call 541-535-4445.

The block of rooms have been reserved under the Sue Chamberland name for Fri 8/28 and Sat 8/29,2009.As most of you know, Friday evening will be a barbecue at Uncle Dale's house and Sat afternoon will be a potluck picnic at Lithia Park. Stay tuned, more details to follow.Cousin Shannon

Friday, May 8, 2009


Subject: Re: hey
Hi Darlene!Get your dialing fingers ready. Sue, Carole, Paul, Bud and I met today. We have set aside at the Super 8 Motel - Pear Tree RV Resort10 rooms for our reunion.

The rooms rent for $68 plus tax for 2 queenbeds and $65 plus tax for 1 king bed. The rooms are large and cleanand include a continental breakfast. The RV campground in $35/nite and most of the spots are pull-through locations. If you want to makea reservation, for either a room or RV spot, call 541-535-4445.

Theblock of rooms have been reserved under the Sue Chamberland name forFri. 8/28 and Sat. 8/29. These rooms are right off the I-5 Freeway atPhoenix, so pretty centrally located.Stay tuned for more details.Shannon

Hi Darlene!
Well today is the day! Sue, Paul & Carole, Bud and I are all meeting today at 11:00 at Dad's house. It will be Reunion planning time. AND accomodations! We have some leads, including a Super 8 Motel withaccompanying RV Campground in Phoenix. We plan on checking that outalong with a few others.

I remember last year you and Jack had beento a reunion of Jack's and were talking about the name tags. Nametags are Definitely something that will be needed. Would you like to use your expertise of computer skills in this capacity? At this point, we are open to any ideas and all are welcome. Sorry we have been a little slow on these accomodations but feel that this reunionis definitely going to come together. As you probably know, we havereserved a space in Lithia Park for the picnic on Sat. afternoon.

Friday evening will be up here at Dad's house. No costs have beenfigured out, but we will probably discuss it today.Stay tuned!Cousin Shannon

Quoting Nona D Jeffries <>:
How's it going? I'm about ready to get on the net to fish for motelrooms. Would be fun if all us taverliers could all get in same blockof rooms. Any Motel 8's or similar priced that you know of thatarn't in to seedie of an area? Or we should be so lucky to also benear a campground for the RV'ers. If not booked this month it may betoo late givinen the season.Hope you are all well. Where do we send the kitty money to help with food etc?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Cousins, this is your pre-reunion homework assignment, learning about your Byrd relatives. Grandma Hill's brother Willis Byrd and his wife, Ada, moved to Talent from Oklahoma about 1926 or 1927. Only their youngest, Charlaine, was born in Talent, the rest born in Oklahoma. These people whom we probably knew when we were little, were Clarence, Elmer, Pauline, Neva, Curtis, Allen, Marna, and Charlaine. Elmer, age 97, Marna, age 86, and Charlaine, age 81 are still living, and have been contacted about the reunion. I have also contacted some of these Willis Byrd grandchildren. Elmer's girls: Bonnie McCormick and Dolly Rapp both from AshlandNeva's daughter: Betty Cooper in Klamath FallsAllen's wife and daughter, Julie Byrd and Judy Edwards from MedfordPauline Farmer's daughters: Delores Larsen (Prospect, OR) & Darlene Rosenbaum (Spring Creek NV)Marna's son: Jim Arnold from Reno - Marna also lives in RenoCurtis's kids: Donna Herrick from Fergus Falls, MN & Stanley Byrd from Blanding, UT. Curtis's widow, Opal Byrd, lives in TXCharlaine lives in Riverton, UT, and has a daughter, Marsha.Clarence had 6 kids - don't know their whereabouts. So, I know there are a million Byrds from Grandma's other siblings, but Willis lived in Talent and Ashland so these people have a connection to the area and us. It any are interested they can spread the word or contact us. Marna asked me to send the SAVE THE DATE to many of these people. Grandma's sister Lizzy's family have all been contacted (Fieguth's). Becky, were you going to contact Bob Byrd's family? I hope you are all paying attention. There will be a test on this material later on. Love Sue

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not every one is on this blog list

I just found out that not every one has been receiving the Blog information - click here

Please send me a note if you think someone is not on this list. I only have 12 names.

I would like to send you a list of email addresses so you all can keep in touch.

If you want to post pictures send them to me as an attachment or send me a link to a site that has the pictures.

Had a fun visit with Toni and April at Brick's house yesterday, I will post pictures soon

I found there is a list of folks who are going to attend in Aug. I would like to post that some palce, either on the blog on by email


Friday, March 27, 2009

Maya Elizabeth Chamberland

Here's our new granddaughter, Maya, pronounced Mi-a.

Katie had an unexpected c-section early Thurs am. I was shocked to see all this hair as she's had a little hat on since she was born.

Subject: Maya elizabeth
Maya elizabeth chamberland was born on the 26th at 4:17am 8 pounds 2 oz of pure perfection.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Send this link to everyone.

Do you suppose that we should go ahead and send out this website to the other cousins? (I mean the original 12.) Both Carole and Sue are interested in looking at the site. Sue was not sure if she was computer savvy enough for this, but with the link it was pretty easy. I am not sure if you have all of the addresses.

Paul and Carole -
Dave and Marianne -
Sue and Wayne -
Linda -
Mike and Toni -

When I think about it, these are the only cousins other than the Hills (whose addresses you have) and the O'Harras (likewise).Sue called tonight and I talked to Carole today. It looks like we are going ahead with the Lithia Park reservation for Sat. afternoon. Karen Sue Fieguth another cousin) works for the City of Ashland and she has a lot of insight and pull. Carole is making some calls this week about lodging.Thanks again for all of your help!Shannon

Plans from Shannon

This is great. I love the pictures. Thanks Fishers for the blog.

Carole and I met today at Lindsay's lacrosse game (They won 22-15) and she will be making some phone calls this week about possible hotel/camping accommodations.

I hope I have set this up correct as a "follower."Shannon

(did not get set up for contact as a follower, try clicking on the box at the left side of the blog.-gene ;>)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Test of the Followers

Okay, I signed in on the Blog page "Followers". Now, will it notify me each time something is posted, or do I have to check it myself?
Hopeful rainbows for everyone, Becky Beckett

Click on the picture to enlarge

I don't know, here is a test with two pictures from Darlene

1st Annual Hill Cousin Reunion

This is a SAVE THE DATE notice for the 1st Annual Hill Cousin Reunion.

For a little background, it has been 6 months since my mother, Olive Hill O'Harra passed away. Though the occasion was very sad, it brought together a large group of cousins, "kissin' cousins" and "shirttail cousins" that decided it was time to get together this summer for a much happier occasion. After much triangulating and calendar searching, a date and location was reached and now the party planning begins.......

DATES: AUGUST 28 - 30, 2009

Becky Hill Beckett
Carole Conner
Sue Chamberland
Shannon Pearce
and of course, any other cousins that want to help.
Please send this message out to all of your families and other cousins that should be included. More details will be forthcoming, but felt that it was extremely important to get the date out to everyone, so it can be inked in on the calendar.
Please forward any additional emails that should be put on this master list. Looking forward to seeing everyone this summer in the Rogue Valley.
Questions? Shannon Pearce, 503-297-5916, or any other committee memberMedford Chamber of Commerce -