Monday, April 23, 2012

Hi All Cousins! 

Do you realize it has been 2 yrs since we had our "annual" Hill/Byrd etc Cousin
Reunion?  It seems just like yesterday that we were getting reacquainted,
chatting, eating great food, throwing some horseshoes and walking a few
miles down memory lane.  It was so much fun that we are going to try it
once again this summer.  So here is the SAVE THE DATE notice for the
One-More-Time-Around Hill Cousin Reunion.

            DATES:  July 20-22, 2012

            LOCATION:  Uncle Dale's House once again will be the
Headquarters    in Medford, Oregon

            COMMITTEE:  Darlene Jeffries
                               Carole Conner   
                               Sue Chamberland
                               Shannon Pearce   
                               and as always, any other cousins that want to help. This is a big job.

Please send this message out to all of your families and other cousins
that should be included.  More details will be forthcoming, but wanted to
get the date out to everyone, so it can be inked on your summer calendar.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in the Rogue Valley this summer.
Questions?  Shannon Pearce, 503-297-5916, or any
other committee member

Nametag contest:  The nametag will be of your own design, construction and we plan a prize for the best, One for adults & one for children. Don't know what it will be but it will be good!  For those who forget the prizewinner at home, we will have the stick-on, felt tip written name kind available...  No one to call about the name tags, you are on your own!!!